A transformational 2.5 day career retreat from September 9 to 11 in Kloster Fischingen, Thurgau, Switzerland. 




Find quiet time and space for yourself without distractions so you can focus on what is important. 


An ancient Benedictine monastery full of history and charm. Part of the Swiss Historic Hotels. Find out more here


Mental health also comes from a well balanced work-life approach. This career retreat is your professional wellness program.

An exclusive 2.5 day retreat for today’s professionals who want a break from work and reflect on their next steps.  

The world of work is changing, and so are you. Taking time to reflect on yourself, what you’ve accomplished and what you still aspire to do can lead you to important decisions that impact your professional and personal relationships. 

This exclusive program gives you the tools and support you need to decide what is best for you. You will learn:

  • what are the building blocks that make up the architecture of your World of Work,
  • how to assemble, dis-assemble and re-assemble your offerings and assets according to what work means to you today,
  • how to map your career to date and visualise what are the next steps that make sense for you,
  • how to look at work differently and explore new paradigms, assumptions and skills,
  • how to apply new frameworks and tools that you can use in any environment and at any point in time,
  • how to think creatively and purposefully  design your own paths.

Plus you will share experiences with your cohort of no more than 10 to 12 people building a strong sense of community through real-life learning. 

Reserve your spot today and design your world of work on your terms! 

All inclusive package for a special early bird of 2’950 CHF valid until July 5th!

Book your spot right now and save 300 CHF! Full price after July 5th : 3’250 CHF. Registrations close August 9.

Price includes: full accommodation of 2 nights in a single room, meals and parking on site

the World of Work career RETREAT

Who I am:

  • A People & HR professional, coach and trainer with 25 + years experience in Fortune 500 companies;
  • A multicultural citizen of the world: lived in Italy, Brazil USA, Portugal, France, Switzerland;
  • A creative entrepreneur and passionate change maker;
  • A music performer, writer and producer;
  • An unwavering optimist and believer in the human potential!

Who you are:

  • You seek fulfilment and not only achievement;
  • You have unexpressed aspirations that you want to explore further;
  • You want to learn and exchange ideas and challenges with like minded professionals;
  • You long to shape your World of Work on your own terms with an open and creative mind;
  • You seek clarity on what is right for you at this point in time
  • You are open to explore options and alternative professional paths
  • You are tired of the daily routine and of not going anywhere meaningful

What you gain:

  • Headspace & time!
    To reflect on yourself, your current world of work, and your future aspirations without daily distractions.
  • Clarity & new perspective!
    Open your mind and put your house in order. 
  • Coaching & guidance!
    To help you reveal what your natural strengths are, and where you can best put them to use based on live feedback from your cohort.
  • Discovery & reconnection!
    Of what propels you forward and gives you that extra push needed to reach your goals safely and successfully.
  • Network & community!
    Of like-minded professionals who, like you, have decided to shape their future rather than be shaped by it.

Program Details

the exact timing and flow of the modules may change depending on the needs of the cohort 





  • Meet & greet
  • Program overview
  • What’s at the heart of the conversation?
  • The burning questions
  • Goals & Expectations

Day 1 –  Monday, September 9 at 10:00 am


Maps and Paths

  • Your career on a map
  • The highs and lows, the twists and turns
  • Meaning & relevance of work, career, success for you
  • Imagine your future: “if I could, I would”

Day 1 – Monday, September 9 – afternoon



New Perspectives of Work

  • The World of Work as a changing territory
  • The 5 Winds of Change eroding and impacting the current World of Work
  • The Principles of LandSpaces
  • The PAS to new opportunities – New Paradigms, Assumptions, Skills
  • Create your own PAS

Day 1 – Monday, September 9 – afternoon cont’d 




Our Inner & Outer Worlds

  • How the External World intersects with our Inner World
  • Deep dive into our Inner World : our Engine, our Energy, our Direction of Travel
  • Discover your Power Triangle™ and how to use it
  • Deep dive into the External World: Sectors & Functions
  • What are your preferred Districts and Neighborhoods?
  • Assignment: build your Power Triangle™

Day 2 – Tuesday, September 10 – 9:00 am


Design your LandSpaces & Paths

  • The C.E.O. paths – Corporate, Entrepreneurial, Open
  • Follow your natural strengths
  • Follow your curiosity
  • Follow the money
  • Follow your tribe
  • Decisions & Tradeoffs

Day 2 – Tuesday, September 10 – afternoon


Prepare for Your Next Step

  • Build your strong internal and external support mechanisms
  • Motivation and confidence barometers
  • What are your back up plans?
  • Apply the Test- Operate -Adjust – Test- Exit cycle
  • Your new beginnings

Day 3 – Wednesday, September 11 – half a day – finish at 12:30 pm


Secure your spot today for 2’950 CHF and save 300 CHF!

Early bird valid until July 5th.

more info / FAQ

This sounds exciting! How do you make sure the cohort is exclusive and with like-minded professionals?

The retreat is capped to 10 to 12 people max. Minimum attendance will be 5 participants. When you register there are a few questions on-line which will help us ensure we create a diverse yet compact cohort from which you can get the greatest benefit.

What's the deadline to register for the retreat?

Early bird special ends on July 5th. Registrations close August 9!

Is accommodation included in the price?

The price is all inclusive (except travel): single room accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus all training and program materials.

Where is the retreat exactly? What is the best way to get there?

By car or by train, the Abbey is easily reachable and the landscape to get there is worth every minute of the trip.

Only 40 minutes by car from Zurich Airport or 1h10 min by train. The public transportation leaves you 1 minute walking distance away from the Abbey

Where can I find more info about Paola Granati and her approach?

A good summary of  what I do is really trans disciplinary work; i.e. work that cuts across the business HR space, the professional development space, the entertainment business, and the desire to make a difference in order to offer the most relevant and impactful experience to my clients.

But for more info, have a look at my bio and at what we do at PG Creative Businesses. You can also check me out on my YouTube channel and tune in to the World of Work Podcast, the WoW.

When does the retreat start?

We start on Monday, Sept 9 at 10:00 am and finish on Wednesday, Sept 11 after lunch

Will there be refunds?

50% refund is possible if you cancel before July 5th. After July 5th no refund is possible as we have to commit with Klosters Fischingen’s cancellation policies as well.   If, however, for any reason the organiser needs to cancel the retreat you will get a full refund.

What's the cancellation policy?

As mentioned, if you cancel up to July 5th you get 50% refunded. After that date no refund will be possible as we also have our commitments to honor with the facility hosting us.

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